Veterinary Services

Here at 2nd Street Animal Hospital, we are pleased to have a large amount of veterinary services available for our patients. We are proud to be able to serve Philadelphia, PA and our surrounding communities to give your pet the best care that they deserve!
Our staff at 2nd Street Animal Hospital is filled with passionate animal lovers who are here to help you and your pet! They are highly trained and dedicated to making sure that your pets receive the care and compassion every time they walk in the door!
We offer the following services to keep your pets healthy:
Thermal Imaging in Philadelphia, PA
Digital thermal scanning, also known as thermography, is one of the latest advances in veterinary screening. This tool is specifically designed to detect the origin of functional issues such as injury, lameness, referred pain, or physiological processes prior to the growth of a tumor. It is very similar to a traditional X-ray, ultrasound, CT, or MRI; however, it allows us to look not only at how the problem currently appears but also at changes happening such as fractures increasing or sizeable masses growing.
Digital thermal scanning is able to detect the location and the development of existing dysfunction in its early stages. Our friendly and educated veterinarians will not need to sedate or even touch your animal.
Our clinic always stays up to date with the latest technology to ensure that we can help your pet as quickly as possible. We understand that you never want your pet to be in pain, and we are here for you every step of the way. If you ever have any questions, never hesitate to ask.

In-House Pharmacy in Philadelphia, PA
At 2nd Street Animal Hospital, we are proud to offer a convenient, in-house pharmacy for all of your pet’s prescription needs. Offering name brands, as well as generic meds, our veterinarians will work directly with you to ensure that you have a complete understanding of the medicine your pet has been prescribed, proper dosages, and dosing techniques.
We are wholeheartedly dedicated to your pet’s health and wellness, so you can trust our team to make sure you are fully educated on what your pet will need from you throughout the healing process. Let our caring, experienced, and knowledgeable team help you give your pet the care it deserves.
Why should you choose our in-house pharmacy over other options?
- Contrary to popular belief, it is often less expensive than traditional pharmacies
- It gives you the piece of mind that you are always receiving the right product
- Our doctors are highly trained and qualified to discuss potential side effects fully
- Many companies only offer the medications they produce to veterinary offices
- We store all of our products in optimal conditions at all times
Call us today to discuss your pet’s prescription needs. We look forward to being your partners in your pet’s well being.
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Laser Therapy Services in Philadelphia, PA
Laser therapy is an innovative technique that allows your pet to relax during treatment, instead of stress out. It is not only highly effective for pain management, but incredibly helpful in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and injuries. Studies have shown that nearly 50% of patients show a positive response after their first treatment, while after the third or fourth treatment, that number increases to 90%. At 2nd Street Animal Hospital, we believe wholeheartedly in this technology and its healing benefits, and we would love to show you what it can do for your pet.

Laser therapy can be extremely useful in the treatment of the following pet health issues, as well as many more:
- Wounds, lacerations, abscesses, and burns
- A wide variety of skin and scalp conditions
- Hip and elbow dysplasia
- Feline cystitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis
- Arthritis and degenerative bone and joint diseases
- Self-mutilation and feather picking
- Ear infections and inflammation
- Gingivitis, periodontal disease, and stomatitis
Do not hesitate to reach out to us today to find out more about the laser therapy services we offer, or to set up an appointment. We are here to help.
At 2nd Street Animal Hospital in Northern Liberties, we are committed to utilizing and providing innovative therapies to treat a variety of conditions for your pets. Laser therapy is a natural, non-invasive treatment for numerous health and pain conditions.
At 2nd Street Animal Hospital, we utilize laser therapy in dogs, cats, ferrets, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, reptiles, and other small mammals. We are also working with the Companion Laser Company to develop laser therapy protocols for exotic pets.
Benefits of Laser Therapy for pets:
Laser therapy allows your pet to heal faster after surgery and any traumatic injury. It can also ease pain and improve mobility without the use of pharmaceuticals and surgery. The healing therapy provides your geriatric animals relief from aches and pains and allows for more freedom and improved quality of life.
Everyday disorders such as lick granuloma and chronic ear infections that cause severe pain and discomfort are instantaneously relieved.
- Arthritis
- Hip dysplasia
- Elbow dysplasia
- Numerous skin conditions
- Post-surgical pain relief and increased healing
- Otitis (ear infections and inflammation)
- Wound healing
- Degenerative joint disease
- Gingivitis/stomatitis/periodontal disease
- Lacerations/abrasions
- Feline cystitis
- Feline rhinitis/sinusitis
- Burns
- Avian self-mutilation and feather picking
- Small mammal pododermatitis
- Small mammal abscesses
- Reptile wounds
- And many more
All patients will need an evaluation by one of our veterinarians in order to determine length and frequency of treatments.
Our laser therapy trained nurses will perform the treatments. Depending upon the treatment, you may be present in the room, and we will provide you with special protective glasses.
Most routine post-surgical and dental procedures will require a single treatment. More complicated surgeries will usually require several treatments. Acute conditions vary with respect to duration and number of treatments and are a factor in the problem presented.
Each treatment lasts from two to eight minutes, depending on the condition, size of the patient, and other factors. For bilateral conditions, like hip dysplasia on both sides, the treatment time is doubled.
For chronic conditions like arthritis, three treatments are performed the first week, two the second week, and one the third week. Some patients require more laser therapy treatments to reach full healing. After their improvement has been maximized, we will determine a maintenance protocol, like once a month, for your pet.
No. Only positive side effects.
After the therapy is completed, most pets feel great. Some will go home and sleep for a while, which could be a way of resting from finally experiencing pain relief, or could be directly related to the relaxing effect of the endorphins that are released. Rarely, a pet may be more uncomfortable, which could indicate too much healing occurring at once. In this case, the treatment can be continued but at lower settings or shorter durations for the next few treatments. There is no concern for harming the pet with this therapy.
- Approximately 50 percent of patients will show a response after the first treatment, while
- 70 to 80 percent of patients will show a response after the second treatment. About 90 percent will show a response after the third or fourth treatment.
- Your pet can benefit significantly from receiving laser therapy, so contact our animal care team today to learn more about this veterinary service.

In-House Laboratory in Philadelphia, PA
We are very proud of our laboratory. We are able to perform many diagnostic tests quickly and efficiently in it. We can do many simple tests but are also able to offer some more complex ones, too! We are able to run heartworm tests, leukemia and FIV tests, and full blood work for those who are interested in it. There are also many other tests we offer our patients.
The best part of being able to run laboratory tests in our hospital is that we can diagnose your pets much sooner than if we had to send the blood work out to another laboratory. Whenever your pets are not feeling well, we can offer you results and a diagnosis in minutes instead of making you wait a day (or more) for the results.

Dental Care in Philadelphia, PA
Sometimes, dental care for your pet can feel expensive. In fact, it’s actually vital to their overall wellness. By making sure your pet’s teeth are healthy, you can help them to avoid serious illness and even add years to their lifespan. Because gum and tooth disease is so common in pets, we highly recommend bringing your furry or scaly friends in for a cleaning about twice a year. Maintenance between cleanings is easy and consists of basic toothbrushing and the use of a few other dental products. We can even show you how.
Your pet’s comfort is the most important thing to us, as we pride ourselves on being a Fear Free certified animal hospital. When choosing us, you can rest assured that we will keep your pet happy and calm, minimizing as much stress as we possibly can from the situation.
Signs your pet needs to come in to our office include:
- Particularly bad breath
- Excessive drooling
- Discomfort when chewing
- Bleeding or inflamed gums
- Difficulty or discomfort when swallowing
Do not hesitate to reach out to us today if you would like to know more about our dental services, or if you would like to set up an appointment.
Surgery in Philadelphia, PA
When your pet needs surgery, it can be stressful and often even scary. Our team at 2nd Street Animal Hospital is here to provide you with the expert care and comfort that you and your pet need during this time. Whether it is a minor procedure or something a bit more involved, when we are operating on your pet, they are the most important thing in the world to us. We do everything within our power to provide a stress-free environment for your pet, making sure that they know they’re safe and sound whenever they pay us a visit, even if it is for a serious issue. You can count on our team of surgeons and medical staff to be your partners in this treatment process.
Surgeries that we perform most often include:
- Spays and neuters
- Abscess and wound treatments
- Lump and mass removals
- Cystotomies
- Orthopedics (fractures, patellar luxations, amputations)
- Anal gland removals
- Gastrointestinal procedures
- Feline perineal urethrostomy
- Thoracic procedures
- Third eyelid repairs and entropion and ectropion corrections
- Ear canal procedures
- Exploratory proceduresBiopsies
- Cruciate Repair
- Hip Surgery
If you need to set up a surgical appointment, or if you would like to know more about our surgeons’ qualifications, call us today. We would be happy to help your pet heal.